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What we do

Church is not that complicated….


In Acts 2:42, it tells us that the early church devoted themselves to four things. 


1. The apostles’ teachings (the teaching of the bible)


2. The fellowship (one another)


3. The breaking of bread (the Lord’s supper)


4. Prayer


On a practical level, this means we gather together once a week around the word of God, to know more about God and the way He wants us to live. We also gather once a week during bible studies in smaller groups, to discuss how God’s word applies to each of our lives.


It means we regularly share communion together as we remember and celebrate what Jesus did for us at the cross of Calvary.


It means we look after one another. We pray for one another. We grieve with our brothers and sisters who are grieving and we celebrate with our brothers and sisters as they celebrate. We basically enjoy life with one another as we enjoy life with Jesus, which at times also includes suffering together.

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